Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mack's The Chessmaster Book Singles/Couples Next Relationship Survey

The Mack's The Chessmaster Book Test for your "person of interest."

It is Mandatory that this test is taken at the end of the book!

What did you read in the book that you would like to try?

Do I have need for oral sex or do you just do it?

On the time frame of the month or if your partner is unable to fulfill all out sex will you give oral sex and other forms of sex in the meantime? (This question is important because not everyday of the year that you will be able to perform. A medical condition or anything can come up. You want to make sure a person already loves pleasing you in other ways or you will end up pleasing others for the lack of the effort. Some people feel that when a condition arises that the need to perform this type of sex is not necessary. If it is necessary for you than you may want to ask this question from the start!)

How many times do you like getting oral sex during the day? (This question is important because not everyone has hours on end to have full all out sex, but sometimes this is good enough to keep them busy for a while.)

Do you love oral sex giving or recieving? If you was to pull the panties off or your dick out will whoever know automatically to perform!

Have you ever done a threesome? If Yes is the Answer (What types of combinations and what type of future combinations would you like to try?) If No, (Would you ever consider bringing in a third party into the relationship?

Have you ever cheated on your partner? If Yes (Explain the reason) If No (Age varies on this answer. If between 18 - 20 possibly not but 21 - Above The answer will more than likely be yes and if not more than likely you are not dealing with a honest person. Also it may just means sexually they are not as experience and probably might have just dealt with the partner they was with so dont overly assume.)

Do you like to make love or to fuck? (Most say make love because its the common answer that most can accept without being judged! If your partner is very sexual than more than likely they normally just fuck. It is not common in most relationships to have time to make love except in the beginning towards the maturity of the relationship than the need for quickies and more intense sex will increase.)

Are you submissive or more aggressive? This is a very important question. Most submissives will not stay with other submissives for long periods of time, or they will find someone more aggressive which is the nickname for Dominant to achieve their psychological and physical needs in the relationship.

Have you ever thought about swinging or swapping partners? If yes (Explain), If no (It is more than likely a lie. It is plenty of people that have thought about being with someone else while either being in a relationship or seeing others in a happy relationship!

Have you ever been watched or like to watch? If yes, more than likely this answer is true. If No, this is a huge lie. Some might think its different because watching on video and in person is two different things. You are still watching people having sex either way. This may also be questionable to the honesty of your partner.

What did your last relationship not work out? If Yes(Most relationships did not work about because people found interest in another person. This can mean the person is capable of being with someone else other than you.) If No (The person better have a great explanation to the context of the relationship. More than likely if someone left the same person that you had interest with for someone else. Most not all the time it is because they lost interest in the bedroom activities and it became to stale to continue.)

What are your overall interest in partners for relationships? (Please ask for a straight up answer and please do not judge them if they give you too much info. It gives you the opportunity whether to continue or to move on.)

What do you consider out the question in the bedroom? (If any of the answers are some of the most common needs than you may not want to move forward in this relationship. We all know our basic needs. Also, this answer will let you know if you get into a relationship that the limitations are set upfront. Please consider wisely if this is the relationship that you want to pursue from these answers.)

Do you have problems communicating the type of sex that you want? (Communication in and out the bedroom is important. Some may like talking while in the act, and some may perfer no talking at all. If you like dirty talking and being verbal in the bedroom than a quiet person will not be a good match for a good future. You will get sick and tired of telling your partner can they please let you know their wants and needs whether in or out the bedroom. The relationship will end over this common factor.)

What do you think about Gang Bangs or Orgies? (If you have ever thought about trying to live out this venture. This itch will always need to be scratch with whoever you are with and it will cause you to cheat. As long as it took for you to think about. The urge to try the fantasy will take place as soon as bedroom activities begin to start to diminish. If you been having sex 5 times a week and it starts going down to 4 to 3. This will be the time where the thoughts of another person will become mainstream.

Did the book make you think about your relationship and ways to improve?

Did the book help you to ask your partner questions that you never thought could be answered?

Did the book make you want to read the sequel?

Do you perfer soft or rough sex? (This question is important that some are too uncomfortable with themselves to switch things off.)

Do you blame other people for your sexual actions or do you take responsibility? (This question is important because you never want to do something new and the next day you the same person you did whatever fantasy with blaming you)

If we wanted to do something new would you help in planning and putting things together? (It is important on anything new that you agree to do that it is equal participation on making sure things is done.)

Now I want you to sit down and put a X by the answers you didnt like and a Check by the answers you do like? If 80 to 90 percent of the answers meet your standards and you must be honest with yourself in this department. You will be going in for a very wild exciting ride into a relationship. If the answers are below 80 percent than you might be wasting your time.

It is mandatory at the end of this book to ask these questions to any person of interest for any type of relationship whether marriage, boyfriend or girlfriend, or friends with benefits!

If your next relationship ends more than likely its going to be your fault. I hope this is not the result for you. I hope the result is nothing but complete happiness, more open communication, and a lot of trust and love.

Thank You for taking the Mack's The Chessmaster Book Survey

Happy Hunting,


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